Saturday, October 20, 2012

Sippin' and craftin'.

I have been craving some arts and crafts time lately. For a while I was working the desk shift at work, which involves a lot of sitting and waiting for people to decide to come in. There was a good deal of crochet happening, feeling good on my fingers. But recently I have been having another woman work that job, while I bop around being busy.

I am starting to notice little prompts in my environment, begging me to set up a studio space at my new house.

Today these sort of lame t-shirts caught my eye while I was out. They are clearly inspired by old linoleum block prints, and it made my fingers itch to carve into the soft medium.

But one project at a time. This evenings project involves a glass of Rex-Goliath merlot and a lot of slip knots.

I can't show you the big pictures of my newest project, since it is going to a friend that may read this. But I can tell you you that it involves  3, 300 slip knots. I am 1,977 knots in. Over half way there!

Rex-Goliath and slip knots, here I come.

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